Open 24 Hours Sign

As new dealers join my powersports 20 Groups, one of the first questions from the group is how many days the dealership is open each week.

Spader’s philosophy is that 5 day work weeks are the optimal solution for the majority of dealers. For a multitude of reasons
– All employees get an actual 2 day weekend
– You always have the A Team on deck
– Improved CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index)
– Improved ESI (Employee Satisfaction Index)

When a dealer transitions to a 5 day work week, the first year can always be a little rocky, but beyond that, the dealership profitability almost always increases. Customers get a better level of customer service and the staff are happier. Employee retention also tends to improve, and the owner and GM’s attitudes are always better.

Most dealers struggle to make this change because they are concerned about the competition. I say worry about what happens under your roof. Build your own brand.

Years ago we walked away from adding a new brand to our dealership. They insisted that we open 6 or 7 days a week. We told them we’d do it if they’d hold their staff to the same standard. They wouldn’t budge, and neither did we. It was their loss.

What do you think?

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5 or 6 or 7 day work week?

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