Lately I’ve been buying some vintage tools from the Facebook Marketplace. My feed is constantly jammed up with people selling new and unboxed tools for less than half the price of new. This got me to wondering where all of these items are coming from.

A little research showed that some are probably counterfeits, but that a significant percentage have been stolen from local businesses. While the best preventative to reduce theft is to have your employees constantly engaging with customers, many stores are either cutting back on staffing, or having trouble finding employees. Couple that with police depts that are stretched thin, courts that are jam packed with felons, and stores that are liability averse, and many stores are now easy picking for criminals.

Just because we operate in a niche industry, it doesn’t mean that people aren’t stealing from us. Take some time to check your local FB marketplace for helmets and gloves. If any of the items look familiar to you, then there’s a reason for that.

What are you doing to secure your inventory, and what’s your policy for dealing with shoplifters?

#powersports #dealers #lossprevention

Who is stealing from you?

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