TMDA – Texas Motorcycle Dealers Association
40 years ago, Powersports Dealer Associations existed in many of the 50 States. They were responsible for enacting many of the laws that currently protect Powersports franchises. While many of these organizations ended up being shuttered due to a lack of interest, some of the laws they put in place still exist.
The Texas Motorcycle Dealers Association (TMDA) is the statewide trade association representing powersport dealerships in nearly every community throughout the state of Texas. It represents the dealer body before the Texas Legislature and all regulatory agencies as the voice of Texas’ franchised powersport dealers in public policy and regulatory matters.
The TMDA has been responsible for enacting many franchise protections and laws that protect dealers from aggressive OEM actions
- Increased the DOC fee cap from $50 to $125
- Addressed the tax inequity that allowed bordering states the ability to sell vehicles to TX residents without collecting tax
- Worked to ensure that Side-by-Sides were titled and registered in most counties
- Continues to notify dealers about legislation and issues that impact them
Having worked with Texas Powersports dealers since the mid 90’s, I was stoked when the dealers of the State voted me in as a board member. I’m committed to making sure that when I retire, the TX powersports industry will be in better shape than when I found it.