No Smoking sign on a ship

Always a controversial topic when I bring it up in 20 Groups, but I’m amazed that any business owners still offer smoke-breaks, and places for employees to smoke. There is no Federal law that says you have to allow smoke-breaks (check me), and the reasons to move to a non-smoking policy are many.

– Non-smokers are healthier and use less sick time than smokers
– Efficiency increases in the dealership because staff don’t have a reason to stand around (often slowing down productive employees)
– Morale of non-smokers improves because of the inequities that exist when smokers have a “reason” to take a break
– Customer service improves as more staff are present and accounted for
– Modern customers don’t want to deal with people who smell like smoke, so they are more engaged
– Over time, company health care costs can be reduced due to healthier employees
– Catastrophic claims due to fires can be reduced
– Etc…

My recommendation to all dealers is to develop a non-smoking policy that does away with smoke breaks and prohibits smoking anywhere on company property. Roll it out with 90 days notice to staff, and then be ready to enforce it. I also recommend you offer to help employees who want to quit.

#Marine #RV #Powersports #Smoking #Policy

Why isn’t all of your dealership non-smoking?

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