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I keep hearing a core group of 20 Group dealers making statements along the lines of “what am I going to do if Biden wins?” When it comes to small businesses, for the most part the answer is simple “pretty much whatever you want to do.”

As small business owners, we are impacted way more by local events than national ones. While our personal taxes might go up a bit more under democratic leadership, historically the economy has performed better under democratic leadership. Don’t believe me, here are the stats.

Many dealers complaining about the prospect of Biden winning the election were the same ones who claimed that Obama would put them out of business. They then went on to have 8 of the most profitable and drama-free years they had ever seen.

Before you head off on your personal attacks of me, realize that I am not affiliated with either party. When the Republicans were fiscally conservative, I leaned in that direction. Now, I just vote for the least-worst candidate on the ticket.

Quit worrying about the election. Instead, focus on the customers who walk through your front door.

#powersports #marine #RV #election

You have bigger things to worry about than the election!

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