Pied Piper Motorcycle Dealer Survey Lead Response times

This year’s survey of Motorcycle and ATV/UTV dealers shows a solid improvement over 2019, but overall I’d still say the average dealer does a poor job of responding to digital leads. I’ve now shopped over 300 dealers and speak from experience in this area. I’ve also worked with a few dealers to develop their lead response strategies, and after implementing them some have seen solid improvements in closing rates along with improved margins.


The current pandemic has forced many dealers to adapt. Left with no walk in traffic, top operators have really stepped up on their lead response strategies. The dealers who have gotten it figured out have thrived during some of the recent lockdowns, and at least 3 dealers I work with set all-time sales records in April. It will be interesting to see if the lessons learned during this crisis actually stick, or if dealers just return to business as usual.

What’s your lead response strategy?


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Pied Piper releases annual Motorcycle Survey

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