Google 5 Star Reviews

Not a day that goes by where I don’t receive a survey from some company I did business with asking me to rate the experience. I used to fill them out, but once I figured out that few companies really paid attention to the feedback, I had to ask myself, “what’s the point?” When I fill out a survey, it’s typically because I have something I want to say, loudly. It could be that the company had a great employee, or that they just really suck and I want to warn the world.

I’m torn on this in the powersports world. We try hard to not be like the auto dealers. In most cases, buying a car is a miserable experience, but due to OEM incentive programs, every auto dealer wants you to rate them a 10 (many will bribe you). Buying a motorcycle or an ATV needs to be a fun and enjoyable experience. If we treat the customer right, we can easily earn that 10.

I realize that a 5 Star Google rank has a powerful impact on those customers who are in the market looking. I’ve seen many dealers who have a great score, and who haven’t had to badger or bribe their customers for that feedback.

What do you think, run your dealership the right way and gain organic feedback, or badger your customers for stars?

#motorcycles #powersports #dealer #feedback #reviews

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