Person laying in snow raising a white flag

Last week I was talking to a dealer who had a rough go of things during the last 2 years (but now using our Spader Business Management guidelines he has gotten the business turned around and will net over a million $$ this year). As I was digging in about employee performance issues I asked when the last time was that he had knocked out staff performance reviews. The dealer told me he was afraid to as all the staff would expect raises (and while they will make a decent net this year, they still need to make up for some of the prior year’s losses).

Sitting down and doing performance reviews is not easy, but it’s a critical management task. It’s the ultimate opportunity to make sure the employees are aligned with the company values and ensure we are all working towards the same goals.

Took me a long time to learn this but breaking the cycle between reviews and raises makes coaching a whole lot easier. Sit down with your staff and outline what they do well and where they need to improve. Down the road, if the employee is on track then reward the employee with a raise. Get in the habit of conducting performance reviews at least twice a year, and never couple them with raises.

#dealership #powersports #reviews #raises #rv #coaching

Break the cycle – Review first, Raise later

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