Sign stating that suits are on sale for half price

The other day I was at my local Chevy dealer getting my truck serviced. I pay more, but they treat me well. As a student of the industry I was watching their sales staff. Mostly young kids (to me) but all of them were wearing suits/ties/blazers, and to me they looked pretty stupid. Being a salesperson is an active job, running around, getting in and out of vehicles, doing sales stuff. A suit isn’t right for the job.

I know there’s an old adage about the “clothes making the man” but that died years ago. If there are any clothes that really make a man, it’s combat fatigues, and the Chevy dealer isn’t currently at war. I don’t own a suit, I don’t own a tie, and the day I quit consulting I’m burning my slacks (I feel stupid wearing them, it’s not who I am). One thing (of many) that I learned in the Military is that respect is earned by what you say, what you do, and how you treat people, it doesn’t have anything to do with what you wear.

We sell fun, we should dress that way. I think that our teams need something to make them stand out, but to overdress in our industry makes no sense.

What do your employees wear in the dealership?

#dealership #dealers #dealerships #powersports #marine #uniform #clothing #servicemanager #rv

What’s the right uniform for your employees?

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