Person wearing VR Goggles looking up

Business has been good. Process and procedures have gone out the window. Many customer experiences are not good.

As Rollick gains momentum in the industry, I asked them to dig in to their customer feedback to answer a few questions I had?

Top 3 reasons a customer chose to request a vehicle price through Rollick?
1. Transparent price
2. Special offers/savings
3. Available inventory

Top 3 reasons a customer used a buying program like Rollick to get a price online instead of first visiting a dealership?
1. Certified or highly rated dealerships that deliver the best buying and ownership experience
2. Special offers/savings
3. Available inventory across a larger dealer network

Many showrooms across the country are close to empty. With nothing but pictures to show customers, either the customer experience needs to improve, or we could forever lose those people to other hobbies and lifestyles. Now is not the time to play games. Customers have more info at their fingertips than ever before. Each of us needs to adapt to the times. Build it and they will come no longer applies.

Rollick leads that close receive responses 44% faster than those that don’t!

How have you adjusted to the new normal?

#sales #powersports #marine #RV #Rollick #GoRollick

How bad is your sales experience?

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